
CATs StepCheck is for educational organisations

Mastering the English language has a significant impact on the future of today’s global learners.

Here’s how you can use CATs StepCheck

  • With learners of all ages from upper primary to higher education.
  • As part of your learner selection, admission, placement and graduation processes.
  • To measure and support learner progress and achievement over time.
  • For supervisor and staff selection, training and development.
  • To make comparisons between leaners and groups as a current snapshot and over time.
  • To link to the whole CATs Step eco-system once the learners’ level of ability is understood, CATs Step learning and assessment materials can be used to make measurable improvements against the baseline.

Take a step in the right direction with CATs StepCheck


CATs StepCheck is new. CATs StepCheck is different. CATs StepCheck is an ethical choice. CATs StepCheck gives you the highest quality for the lowest price.